Some thoughts on music in the digital age…

I saw this on YouTube and it resonated with me.

Maybe you’re not a music teacher like this guy, but I bet music technology has changed the way you listen to and learn music to.

The Gamification of Musical Learning

In what has been hailed as the “Ludic (play-centric) Century”. we can see growing evidence of gamification in music education.. In this article I …

The Gamification of Musical Learning

How to Clean Your Guitar

Learn how to clean your guitar, and you’ll be able to keep it shiny and looking like new. These tips will help you get rid of the dirt, streaks, and …

How to Clean Your Guitar

Hobby #8: Active Listening

This is a common sense hobby – you probably don’t need someone like me to suggest it. But I bet for most of you it’s been months or even years since you’ve done it… so indulge while I nudge you a little bit.

Dedicate Time to Focus on Active Listening

Minimize distractions: let the dog out, put the kids down for nap, and silence your phone.

Grab a note book and pen so you can take notes. Scribble what do you like about the instrumentation, any lyrics that stand out, and any emotions you feel.

Consider headphones: this will help you hear the depth and spacing of the instruments better. Any headphones will do, but noise cancelling over ear will help block out the world and let you get lost in the soundscape.

Get comfortable: Dim the lights, light a candle, and pour some wine.

Listen to your favorite tune, or try out something you’ve never heard before. (See the playlist below for suggestions if you’re looking for something new).

Check out this playlist if you’re looking for something new to listen to.

Set a reasonable volume: heavy metal should me loud, classical music should be loud enough to hear dynamics, or whatever is appropriate for the tune you’re enjoying.

When the song is over, review your notes in silence- add any final impressions you have. If you feel compelled, listen again.

Move on to another tune. Then when you are done with the session take a moment to reflect. Did you learn anything new about your artist, album, song, genre etc? Can you draw any new conclusions?

Is there something that you’d like to share? Publish on social media or share with friends or consider starting a song club.

The most important thing is that you make the time, because if you don’t, life will get in the way and you’ll miss out. Get listening!

Academy enables gifted Ukrainian musicians to continue their dreams

More than 40 gifted young musicians from Ukraine are continuing their education through the Phoenix Music Academy in Dortmund, Germany. By Alexander …

Academy enables gifted Ukrainian musicians to continue their dreams

Hobby #4: Create a Fake Band – HUH???

I hadn’t planned this post, but I woke up early this morning and this was on YouTube. It’s already the last day of August, summer is falling. That marks this time sensitive so here we go…

Pat Finnerty does a comedy video series called “What Makes this Song Stink.” It’s tremendously clever satire of YouTube videos loosely following the format of Rick Beato’s music appreciation series called “What Makes This Song Great.” You should check them both out. Seriously, they’re some of my favorite channels.

Pat recently made a video poking fun at the MGK song Emo Girl. In his video he analyzes the song and forms a fake band and records a song in the same style.

The name of the fake band is August is Falling and their first fake song is called Mad This Summer. Long story short, through a strange series of event which he describes in the video below, August is Falling accidentally became a real band and now the members are inching closer to that elusive hot tub money.

Like Pinocchio, this fake band wants nothing more than to be a real band, but they need subscribers. So check them out below and subscribe. Then go back and watch all of Pat’s videos. I recommend watching them in order because his material is rife with call backs to previous jokes.

It’s ok, click away, enjoy Pat and Rick’s videos, then come back and leave me a comment if you enjoyed it.

Maybe you’ll feel inspired an you’ll want to start your own fake band. If so, you may want to write parody songs like Pat Finnerty does. If so, you may want to check out my post on writing parodies for some more inspiration.


PPAC Challenge: BJ’s Bar Fredonia, NY

The Always Write blog challenges users to post art found in public places. Here is my submittal for the PPAC Challenge #61.

BJ’s bar has been a staple for bands passing through western New York State for nearly a century. It’s dark and moody and there are so many trinkets to catch your attention.

Be sure to stop in and have a beer if you’re in town and certainly be sure to mention if it is your birthday.

A painting of a skull under the bar at BJ’s Fredonia, NY.

Garage bands, guitars, notebook paper

Sharing a fun story about a garage band I did as an unconventional back-to-school piece. Teenagers are still teenagers. 🙂

Garage bands, guitars, notebook paper